Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thank you for being a friend

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Now it's time to reward myself...
Here are some items I've been eyeing:

I have been in the market for a huge cocktail ring and I think this would be perfect. And it will add some flare and compliment my basically all-black wardrobe.
L, I know you have them, but I honestly start to drool every time I see them. Probably not the most practical shoe purchase for school, but they are so me. And they go with the ring above! (side note - you know I'm going to wear driving mocs with my scrubs!)

Now that I think about it, all 3 look great together! Maybe I should get one last splurge in....
My new Alma Mater
What I can tell you is that I didn't know until this past Monday that I was attending said school. I was on the waitlist. I had been accepted and sent a deposit (which I now think of as a very generous donation) to another school, that lets just say, wasn't ideal. I know I shouldn't complain about being waitlisted, it is better than getting rejected, but its pretty terrible. It's amazing how many times you can refresh your email and check your phone in a day. You want to look for a roommate or a place to live? Well you can't, because your plans could change at any moment. It's also fun to explain to everyone, "well, I've been accepted at school X, but I'm waitlisted at school Y."
What I can tell you about my future Alma mater is that it's 800 miles from where I currently live. It's a 13 hour and 40 minute drive. The difference in the high temperature for today between where I currently live and where I'm going is 30 degrees. It's gonna be a bit of change, to say the least. It will be the farthest I have ever lived from home.
But, I am thrilled. And beyond excited. And kinda nervous. A little anxious. And sad to be so far from friends and family. But a new adventure awaits!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sunday Funday
Fast forward to today. I've been out of college for 2 years and Sunday is now my second favorite day of the week (sorry Sunday, you're never touching Friday). I no longer have 10+ hours of school work, meetings, etc. On Sundays, I can do anything. Shopping, brunching, laying out, reading, napping. And this may sound odd, but I love Sunday laundry and grocery shopping. I would much rather plan out dinners and lunches than study schedules and meetings with professors. Today, was an ideal Sunday.
11:00am - woke up refreshed and well-rested
11:30am - short run
12:00pm - grocery store trip
12:30 - 3:00pm - Pool time
3:00 - 4:30pm - Saks Off Fifth Outlet with my aunt and cousin, S (sadly unsuccessful, but my bank account considered it a success)
4:30 - 6:00pm - Pool time II
6:00 - now - cooking curry and artichoke chicken salad, laundry (I love sleeping in fresh sheets!), catchin' up on blogs, watching tv, and an early evening to get my beauty rest for my 2nd to last week of work!
Sadly, I know its only a matter of time (try weeks) until I return to college style Sundays. I think as I typed this a part of me died on the inside.
Goodbye Sunday Funday, I'll miss you!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Is having a sweet tooth a medical condition?
But that's not the point. Tonight my boss is having a "going-away dinner" for me and the graduate student that is leaving this month. Normally, I would dread such an awkward social situation, but instead I am anxiously counting down the minutes until partay time. My boss asked everyone to bring a dessert. Some quick math - 10 people X 1 dessert = 10 desserts. That's right, tonight I will be binging on key lime pie, peanut butter cookies, tiramisu, and these delicious Brookies (that's brownie + cookie) that I whipped up last night.

Who cares what the actual dinner is - I am simply going for the dessert. Because really, it's my party and I'll binge on dessert if I want to!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
You don't need to go to med school to save a life
It all started when I made J leave work at 2 today to enjoy an afternoon at the pool, basking in the sun. (why is it I feel less guilt playing hookie from work when I have a partner in crime?) A few minutes after settling into our lounge chairs J noticed a tick burrowing into the side of her stomach. (Don't get the wrong idea, she's not dirty, J has an adorable golden retriever and took him to the park yesterday). Within seconds we were in my bathroom and with tweezers in hand, I carefully removed the tick, ensuring that the burrowed head was properly removed. After flushing the intruder down the drain, we promptly returned to the pool. The whole operation took approximately ninety seconds.
Who knows what that tick could have been carrying. Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever? Nausea, muscle cramps, and fatigue, OH MY!
As we returned to our lounge chairs, J apologized for the "incident." No worries, I replied, I love this kinda stuff. J replied, "Oh, I was sorry that I made you miss prime tanning time."
And with that my first medical emergency was over.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Habits to Break before Medical School
2. Napping on Sundays.
3. Saying "that's what she said" and "that's racist" in the middle of conversation.
4. Catching up on a week's worth of DVR in one sitting.
I'm sure the list will continue...suggestions are welcome
Tabula Rasa
TV Shows:
1. NYC Prep - a reality version of Gossip Girl? Don't mind if I do.

3. Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood - She'll always be Donna Martin to me. See below -I will be reading her 2nd book this summer

1. Us Weekly, People, InStyle, Glamour, etc....the adult picture book
2. One Fifth Avenue - I know it came out last summer, but I've been saving it for now!

3. Mating Rituals of the North American Wasp - medical school is for more than just becoming a doctor...
4. Social Climbers - seems to be on everyone's list this summer
5. Twenties Girl - same author as the Shopaholic Series, which I loved, so I have high hopes for this one!
6. Mommywood - an automatic best seller

1. Laying out - with one of the above mentioned books and discussing one of the above mentioned shows with L
2. Wining and Dining - because lets be serious, I won't have the time or money next year
3. Shopping - for myself and for my home
4. Spending time with friends and family - I want everyone to remember me while I disappear for the next 4 years!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Literally, I want to be standing on his side of the alter showing my full support. I want to be a groomswoman. I'm not asking to be the Best Man, I don't want that title. I don't want a different outfit. And I know what everyone is thinking...I'm not trying to make the wedding about me or steal by sister-in-law's thunder. Let me break it down for you.
- Groomsmen are close friends or relatives of the groom that are there for support and have been a huge part of the groom's life. I've been there for the past 24 years. I put my time in watching 4 years of high school golf matches, buying ever article of clothing he owns, and watching the OC's Christmakuh every holiday season
- Groomsmen spend time together helping the groom with wedding preparations, keeping him cool, calm, and collected before the big day, and doing other groomsmen things. I know my brother's best man and other groomsmen, but I don't know the bridesmaids. Why would I not want to spend all this time with people I don't know when I can be spending this special time with my brother and his fellow groomsmen who I'm also very close to?
- The groom's family sits on the groom's side of the church and the bride's family sit on her side. I don't want to stand on the alter during the ceremony and look at strangers. I want to look at all the people there to support my brother.
- Most importantly, as my brother stands there on the alter during the most important moment of his life, I want him to look over his shoulder and see me standing there. I want to be there to show my love, support, and let him know how proud I am of him.
I know in the end, it's not my decision and this idea is a little outside the box. If you like it, take it, if you don't, send it right back.
Bloggy McBloggerson
I’ve been a dedicated blog reader for the past two years now. (Take note that this corresponds to the duration of my first 9-5 job) I don’t think its’ become an unhealthy habit, but I will admit that I do reference certain bloggers in conversation, see things that remind of the people I’ve met through their blogs, and check my daily list of blogs more frequently than facebook. So I find it natural that I start my own blog. I don’t expect people to care about my life nor do I think I’m funny or that my life is “different” from anyone else’s and therefore worth writing about. These are just my thoughts and adventures as I start medical school this fall. Which medical school, I don’t know yet, but that’s the topic of another post.
* The title of this post is a shoutout to my friend J (and yes I will be referring to people by their first initial because I've been doing this way longer than Gossip Girl has been roaming the Upper East Side, just ask my bf B!)